In Defense of David Hasselhoff


As I didn’t have much of a social life as a child, Friday nights often consisted of sitting in front of the TV.  Sadly, this didn’t change much as I got older, but that’s probably another passage.

At the risk of dating myself, Knight Rider on NBC was a big fave on those 
early Friday nights, and it was a big hit for the network.  How could it not be?  

Kick ass talking car that fights crime?  Easy money.

But no matter how brilliant the idea, it’s worthless without the proper execution and that show worked because of three words:

David Michael Hasselhoff.

And yes, I’m as serious as a heart attack.

Sure, like Shatner before him, he may have gone big occasionally (mostly when playing Michael Knight’s evil nemesis Garthe Knight) – but he sold that relationship with the car.

The guy showed up to work, hit his mark and told the truth:

I’m a loner/crusader, champion for the powerless that has a kick ass talking car that helps me fight crime.

And scene.

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